ESDHD Travel Clinic

We are pleased to hear of your travel plans and are excited to help you be healthy while you travel.
The East Shore District Health Department offers a Travel Immunization Program for people needing vaccination for travel abroad. Our medical team provides recommendations about travel vaccine needs and travel concerns along with the vaccine required. The Health Department is an authorized Yellow Fever Center and will provide travelers with the Certificate of Yellow Fever Vaccination, which is required to enter some countries. A prescription for malarial prophylaxis is also available.
1. Fill out electronically (or print and fill out) the pre-travel form (see reference file below) and send via FAX to 203-483-6894. You can also mail the form to: ESDHD, 688 East Main St., Branford, CT 06405 and write on the envelope “Travel Clinic”.
2. You should hear from us within three-four business days.
3. We request a completed Pre-Travel Health History Form at least one week prior to your appointment.
4. We also request that you send a copy of your current immunization record.
Travel Clinics are held by appointment only. For travel immunizations, please start the process at least one month prior to your trip to so we can review your immunization needs and to schedule an appointment.
Available Vaccines
• Hepatitis A
• Hepatitis B
• Hepatitis A/B (combination)
• Influenza (flu)
• Ixiaro (Japanese encephalitis)
• MMR (Measles, mumps, and rubella)
• Menactra (meningitis)
• Pneumovax (pneumonia)
• Polio
• Rabies
• Td (Tenanus/ diphtheria)
• TdaP (Tetanus / diphtheria / pertussis)
• Tetanus / Diphtheria
• Typhoid, oral and injectable
• Varivax (chicken pox)
• Yellow Fever (certificate given after vaccinated) [Nationwide shortage continues]
• Zostavax (shingles, aged 60+)
For more information on traveling abroad please check the websites below