ESDHD Partners
The three municipalities which the District serves are our key partners. We work together with these municipalities by providing a public health perspective and helping to integrate public health into their daily activities. We also benefit from their support of our activities and programs.
Among the partners we work with are:
- Social Services of North Branford and East Haven
- BH Care
- Branford Counseling Center
- Schools, Churches and Senior Centers of Branford, North Branford and East Haven
- St. Raphael’s Hospital and Yale New Haven Hospital
- Health Occupation Student Association (HOSA– East Haven High School Chapter)
- Neighboring Health Departments
- Yale University
- Southern CT State University
- University of New Haven
- University of Hartford
- The Community Dining Room
- VNA Community Healthcare
- WIC (Women, Infants and Children)
- LAMPP (Lead Action for Medicaid Primary Prevention)