ESDHD Research

Our Local Health Department works with partners to improve methods of traditional public health services and find innovative ways to improve the health and quality of life of our residents. Through participation in environmental, social and biological research ESDHD hopes to move public health forward in a changing world. The research described here are published in various journals and institutions and presented to and with colleagues and professional partners. ESDHD values fostering a new generation of public health through increasing our knowledge of the world we live in.
ESDHD provides data for research in partnership with other organizations. such as water testing, the ESDHD Maternal-Child Health, and the South Central Connecticut Agency on Aging LiveWell programs. The Health District analyses the health of its residents with the ESDHD Community Health Assessment (data is collected from residents every 4 years 2012, 2016, 2020).
As a local health department, we value and understand the importance of data and public health research, as this information drives our decision, especially in these times of limited resources.
We assess the current state of health in our community and our environment. We endeavor to maintain a culture of constant quality improvement.