Immunizations Program

Adult immunizations

The Health Department offers residents influenza and pneumonia vaccination. Each year, the Health Department sponsors a number of public clinics. Private clinics can be arranged through the Public Health Nurse for large or small organizations or businesses.

We also provide Tdap vaccinations for parents and caregivers of children under the age of 12 months under the State Cocooning Program to prevent whooping cough. Call for an appointment 203-481-4233.

Residents with disabilities unable to be vaccinated at a physician's office or clinic can be vaccinated by scheduling a home visit with the Public Health Nurse.

Children's immunization

The East Shore District Health Department provides flu vaccinations on a limited basis. Children need two vaccinations for Flu when getting vaccinated before the age of 8. We do not follow up for the second dose, it is the responsibility of the parent. ESDHD refers children with no healthcare provider, who have no health insurance or are under-insured to Project MotherCare (203)789-3562.

Travel immunization and prophylaxis

Travel immunization clinics are offered by appointment at the Health Department, 688 East Main St., Branford, CT
Call for more information 203-481-4233. Other appointments for travel vaccines available.

Connecticut Immunization Registry (CIRTS) (860)-509-7929