About Us

If you live in Branford, East Haven, or North Branford, the East Shore District Health Department (ESDHD) is your local health department. ESDHD provides essential local public health services to a population of over 72,000 residents. We are committed to improving the health and well being of our residents through public health programs that promote wellness, prevent and control disease, and provide education about healthy lifestyles.
Our Mission: ESDHD is a local full-service health department that provides committed leadership in order to improve the health and well-being of all people. Utilizing results-based policies and programs, we work to prevent disease and injury and to respond to public health challenges for present and future generations.
The district was formed in June of 1974. We presently employ fourteen full-time and three part-time employees serving our three communities. In addition we employ several contractors and interns through federal and state grant funding. The ESDHD receives leadership from a town appointed board of directors. Branford and East Haven have 3 members each while North Branford has 2 board members. Each board member is appointed to 3 year terms, and each town is allowed 1 representative per 10,000 population in accordance with Connecticut General Statutes. The District programs are primarily funded by town per capita contributions, state operating grants, preventative health block grants and other grants, and fees collected for permits, licenses and services. Public health services are offered directly to residents by the health district staff or indirectly through relationships with other local agencies.
We know that many agencies are planning and preparing for emergencies to help all residents deal with power outages, heavy rains and floods, hazardous material incidents, disease outbreaks and even terrorist attacks. We must be prepared collectively for emerging and rapidly spreading diseases such as influenza and SARS, as well as agents of bioterrorism. However, emergency preparedness is also an individual responsibility.
This website includes suggestions to help prepare you, your family and your home for emergency conditions. I hope you benefit from the information provided here. We plan to use this website to keep you informed on many current public health issues.
- Directors of Health, Region 21
After Hours and 24/7 Contact:
After the hours of 8:30 am to 4:30 pm on weekdays and on the weekends, the East Shore District Health Department can be reached by calling the local police
Call the Connecticut Intelligence Center
If You See Something...Say Something
Don't forget other important contact numbers:
East Shore District Health Department ~ (203) 481-4233
Connecticut Department of Public Health ~ (860) 509-8000
CDC Emergency Hotline ~ (800) CDC-INFO or (888) 232-6348 (TTY)
For a list of ESDHD contacts, please click here.
ESDHD Board of Directors, please click here.