Septic Systems Overview

Application forms are available online (click below) and at the Health District office.
Many properties within our Health District are not located in areas where public sewers are available. These properties are connected to on-site subsurface sewage disposal systems, also called septic systems. The purpose of a septic system is to dispose of the wastewater generated in a house (or building) without contaminating the ground water or surface water.
The septic system consists of four parts:
- Sewer line: connects the homes plumbing to the septic tank.
- Septic Tank: allows for the retention and partial digestion of the solids by bacterial action (primary treatment). A properly functioning septic tank retains solids and will reduce pollutant levels by producing an effluent of fairly uniform quality. Septic tanks installed since 1991 consists of two compartments. Since 2000, septic tanks are required to have an effluent filter, which help protect the leach fields.
- Distribution system: directs the flow from the septic tank to the leaching fields.
- Leaching fields: A drainage system that applies sewage effluent into the surrounding soils. There are many different types: trenches, galleries, drywells, or plastic units.
Whatever kind of septic system you have, it is very important to:
- Have your septic tank serviced (pumped out) every three to five years
- Do not allow vehicles and heavy equipment to be driven over the septic system (unless the system was designed for this)
- If your septic tank came with an outlet (effluent) filter, have this cleaned out routinely (Depends on the quality of waste that you send to your septic tank)
More information on septic systems can be found at this link: (
Homebuyers Guide
(for persons purchasing a home on a sewage disposal system
or for information on sewage disposal system maintenance Go to:
It has become customary for either buyers and/or sellers of real estate to employ home inspectors, installers, private consultants or professional engineers to inspect and report on the condition of the existing sewage disposal system. To aid in standardizing this process, the state has recommended a standard sewage disposal inspection form that has been endorsed by the Connecticut Sewage Disposal Association, the Connecticut Realtor's Association, the home inspection industry as well as the Connecticut Environmental Health Association. To download a copy of this form, please go to: .
Forms/Applications that may be copied and used:
Building Addition Application (B100)
Soil Test Application
Septic Plan Review Application
Water Treatment Wastewater (WTW) Application
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