Asthma Program

Putting on Airs
(Asthma Indoor Risk Strategies) Program
What is it?
The East Shore District Health Department in collaboration with the Health Departments of West Haven and Milford carry out a regional asthma home assessment program, Putting on AIRS, in DPH Asthma Region 8. Putting on AIRS is a program designed to target the reduction of environmental asthma triggers in your home.
Who can participate?
This program is available to East Haven, Branford, and North Branford residents who suffer from asthma and/or have a child who suffers from asthma.
How much will it cost?
This program is provided at no cost to you and has been funded by the CT Department of Public Health.
What services does this program provide?
With your permission, a Public Health Nurse and an Environmental Specialist, both from the East Shore District Health Department, will visit your home to assess the home for environmental triggers of asthma. Specifically, the following services will be provided during the home visit:
~The nurse will review your physician's asthma plan and medications with you.
~The nurse will provide additional education to help you understand how to better manage your asthma.
~The Environmental Specialist will walk through your home with you to help identify causes of asthma.
~The Environmental Specialist will show you how to minimize the asthma triggers in your home.
~A confidential summary of visit will be developed and shared with the referral source and any physician, specialist, with your permission. We can also share information regarding your child to schools, and child care providers, with your permission.
How do I schedule a visit?
To schedule a visit, please contact the Putting on AIRS Program Coordinator, Betty Murphy, at (203) 937-3665.
If you are a community member and/or service provider and would like to make a referral, Click here to access the appropriate referral form.
FOR PHYSICIANS: If you would like to make a patient referral, Click here to access the referral form.
Click here for the Asthma Symptom Action Plan